Dr. Ricardo Benetton Martins, 1551
Bosque das Palmeiras, Campinas/SP – Brazil
Zip code: 13.086-902
PO Box
Zip code: 13.083-970
Campinas/SP – Brazil
How to get to Inova’s office
By Campinas’ city bus:
- Use line 376 that leaves from Cidade Judiciária and check the EMDEC website to see the route and schedule for this line.
From São Paulo to Inova using Rodovia Anhanguera:
- Use exit 103 on the highway to access Rodovia D. Pedro I
- On Rodovia D. Pedro I, access the Campinas-Mogi-Mirim Highway (Adhemar de Barros Highway – SP-340) using exit 135
- Pass by Condomínio Alphaville located at km 116 and pass by the electronic panel/radar at km 118.
- Shortly after, make the return towards Campinas, following the sign “Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas”
- After the return, take the first right towards Pólo II
- After passing by Pólis de Tecnologia (CPdD)’s entry, there is a sharp turn to the right. Inova’s entry is just before the turn.
From São Paulo to Inova using the highway Rodovia dos Bandeirantes:
- Take Rodovia dos Bandeirantes until the access to Rodovia Anhanguera
- Take Rodovia Anhanguera until exit 103 (access to Rodovia D. Pedro I)
- On Rodovia D. Pedro I, access the Campinas-Mogi-Mirim Highway (Adhemar de Barros Highway – SP-340) using exit 135
- Pass by Condomínio Alphaville located at km 116 and pass by the electronic panel/radar at km 118.
- Shortly after, make the return towards Campinas, following the sign “Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas”
- After the return, take the first right towards Pólo II
- After passing by Pólis de Tecnologia (CPdD)’s entry, there is a sharp turn to the right. Inova’s entry is just before the turn.
From São Paulo to Inova using the highways Rodovia Anhanguera and Rodovia Magalhães Teixeira:
- Take Rodovia Anhanguera and use the first exit after the second toll, towards Capital-Interior
- Access Rodoanel Magalhães Teixeira and stay until Rodovia D. Pedro I
- On Rodovia D. Pedro I, access the Campinas-Mogi-Mirim Highway (Adhemar de Barros Highway – SP-340) using exit 135
- Pass by Condomínio Alphaville located at km 116 and pass by the electronic panel/radar at km 118.
- Shortly after, make the return towards Campinas, following the sign “Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas”
- After the return, take the first right towards Pólo II
- After passing by Pólis de Tecnologia (CPdD)’s entry, there is a sharp turn to the right. Inova’s entry is just before the turn.
From Rio de Janeiro to Inova using the highway Rodovia Presidente Dutra:
- Take Rodovia Presidente Dutra and access Rodovia D. Pedro I
- On Rodovia D. Pedro I, access the Campinas-Mogi-Mirim Highway (Adhemar de Barros Highway – SP-340) using exit 135
- Pass by Condomínio Alphaville located at km 116 and pass by the electronic panel/radar at km 118.
- Shortly after, make the return towards Campinas, following the sign “Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas”
- After the return, take the first right towards Pólo II
- After passing by Pólis de Tecnologia (CPdD)’s entry, there is a sharp turn to the right. Inova’s entry is just before the turn.